Friday, September 16, 2005

God Bless You Babs

Yesterday I asked my wife if it was Tuesday. She told me it was Thursday. Jeez um, I'm already losing it. Anyway, being reminded that it was Thursday reminded me of the Crescent City Farmer's Market and just in time - almost on cue - Barbara Traves, part time Seattle-ian and part time Mid Citzen sent me these pictures and wrote to tell me:

...Today I read your "I miss" post and it made me very sad. I am sending you these pictures to remind you that better days are ahead. I don't mean to made you any more sad, I hope these make you feel BETTER.

I miss side-stepping the dog poop along the bayou.
I miss the smell of the night jasmine and gardenias.
I miss Tony :) (from our wine tasting group)

Take care,


P.S. Seattle homes and wine cellars are open for visitors.