Thursday, September 15, 2005

Susan Daneilson from Olga check in

Al and I went into the city Sunday (we had a legit pass) to check out our house on Picheloup Place and to get some clothes for Al and me. He started work here in BR Monday of this week and his shorts and T-shirts just weren't going to make it in the Attorney General's office. Our house was in good shape - no flood water or wind damage-hopefully it will survive other onslaughts. Refrigerator was a bit smelly and the shade trees that made our deck so nice were all down. But I felt encouraged. Things looked better than I thought they would, and it gave me hope that we will get back in earlier so that we can begin the process of cleaning up and putting our lives back together.

Having been born and reared in New Orleans and lived my whole life there (57 years), I think that New Orleans is a state of mind. That state of mind is the gumbo made up of all the kinds of things that you describe and things like them which we all miss - for me it's a night at Snug Harbor, Thursday evening wine tastings and the market, crawfish boils in my back yard with all of my niece'ss friends from around the country, the symphony, my crazy friends, Mardi Gras Indians on Bayou St. John., and the list goes on and on.

In the midst of so much that is so discouraging, it is difficult to be optimsitic. But if we work together - we can build a better city. We have had our problems over the years. Now we'll get a fresh start. Those of us who faired out OK will have to help those who had more difficulties. Maybe we can look forward to the time when we are back and we can continue the great communication that you have started here. Our neighborhood can be the model for neighbors helping each other. I can picture a request board somewhere with needs posted that any of us who can will respond to. Let's start thinking this way now because we will be back sooner than we think.